I don't like to waste paint so if I have some left over it usually goes on to a blank canvas to be dealt with at a later time. This week lots of bright...
I have always been in love with color. Since I am in business and earn my keep creating and selling my paintings, I do have to be aware of trends in color and design...
It's always a welcome and gratifying thrill when I hear that one of my paintings has sold online. "Flower Patterns" sold the other day through the online gallery, Zatista. It's on its way to...
"Harmony and Peace" has just sold and is on it's way to Texas to a new happy home. This landscape piece was painted a year ago and little did I know at the time...
"Taking A Breath" is the name of the painting highlighted this week but I think it's a good mantra these days. Spring is my favorite time of year with everything coming back to life. ...
With all the disturbing news I felt a calm and serene image was in order. "On The Edge Of Blue" is a minimal painting with a cool tranquil palette. It was created before the...
Layers, layers, and more layers, that's what my paintings are all about. Seeing how one covers the next and then revealing what's underneath is fascinating. I have recently been adding the use of stencils...
Working all the time makes for a lot of stock. Some I like and some, after looking at them for awhile, are just ho-hum to my eye. Depending on how I see them, they...
"Impressionism is only direct sensation. All great painters were less or more impressionists. It is mainly a question of instinct." Claude Monet
Summary of Impressionism
Impressionism can be considered the first distinctly modern movement in painting. ...
Just because you're canvas is small doesn't mean you skimp on the detail or overall effect. I do a lot of small 6x6 paintings for one of my online websites and at first struggled...